How to fix 404 error in website?


Last Update 4 ay önce


A 404 error indicates that the requested page on a website could not be found. Here are some steps you can take to fix a 404 error on your website:

Check the URL:

Ensure that the URL is correctly spelled and formatted.

Make sure there are no extra characters or spaces in the URL.

Verify File Existence:

Confirm that the file or page actually exists on your server.

Check the file name and file extension (e.g., .html, .php) for accuracy.

Update Links:

If the 404 error is a result of a broken link on your website, update the link to point to the correct URL.

Check Server Configuration:

Verify that your server configuration is correct, especially if you recently made changes to your website structure or moved files around.

Review .htaccess file:

If you're using an Apache server, check your .htaccess file for any incorrect rewrite rules or configurations that may be causing the 404 error.

Update CMS Permalinks:

If your website is built on a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, ensure that your permalinks are set up correctly. Sometimes, changes in permalink settings can lead to 404 errors.

Clear Browser Cache:

Sometimes, browsers may cache a 404 error page even after the issue is resolved. Clear your browser cache and try accessing the page again.

Check for Typos in Code:

If you are directly coding the website, check your HTML, CSS, or other relevant code for typos or errors that might be causing the page not to load.

Monitor Server Logs:

Check your server logs for more information on the 404 error. Server logs can provide details about the request and may help identify the root cause.


If the page has been moved or renamed, consider setting up a 301 redirect from the old URL to the new one. This informs search engines that the content has permanently moved.

Contact Hosting Provider:

If you've tried everything and the issue persists, it's a good idea to contact your hosting provider's support. They may be able to assist you in identifying and resolving the problem.

Remember to make backups before making any significant changes to your website to avoid unintentional data loss. If you're not comfortable handling these tasks yourself, consider seeking assistance from a web developer or IT professional.

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